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Gelendzhik Golf Resort Introduction Fair for wedding planners and event-industry representatives is being held on 14 May, 2019.

Gelendzhik Golf Resort Introduction Fair for wedding planners and event-industry representatives is being held on 14 May, 2019.

On May 14, an introductory presentation will take place where participants will be introduced to the newly-designed retreat Gelendzhik Golf Resort. Exhibitions in the Club House, Tours around the Resort’s Environment, strolls through the Golf Courses and Territorial-Villages will certainly acquaint agents involved and expand their place for work since the Resort is an ideal place for events and celebrations. This remarkable Nature shelter with scenic views will become a great alternative to the usual spaces where functions are held. Not to mention its outstanding environment sights that presents an ideal platform for shootings and unforgettable memories.


Introduction Fair Schedule:

⁃ Gathering of participants

⁃ Sightseeing Tour

⁃ Introductory Presentation

⁃ Golf Rehabilitation

⁃ Buffet

Participants are required to send a member request to and await a confirmation.

For further information contact +7 495 120 60 55

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